All Songs Are Registered With The United States Copyright Office ©2022 KIMHAIRSTONMUSIC
I’m not the sum of your insecurities
Guess that something you missed in me
You never looked past the things you said
Old scars came blended inside your head
I’m no longer holding on by a thread
You’ll find I’m waterproof
Dry from all the tears
Raindrops turns to sunshine
With every storm that clears
Emerging to the surface
I’m taking a deep breath
Not submerging into waters
From the chaos that you left
And when you shed your skin again
You talk in tongues just like you live
Guess that road to hell is paved with good intentions
You will find I’m waterproof
Dry from all your tears
Raindrops turns to sunshine
With every storm that clears
Emerging to the surface
I’m taking a deep breath
Not submerging into waters
from the chaos that you left
I’m catching these teardrops
As If they were diamonds
Colorless in plain sight
No longer caught in your rain
Or letting you cloud up my mind,
I think I’ll stay dry this time
You will find I’m waterproof
Dry from all your tears
Raindrops turns to sunshine
With every storm that clears
Emerging to the surface
I’m taking a deep breath
Not submerging into waters
from the chaos that you left
Written By Kim Hairston